Kate Vieira
Professor (Susan J. Cellmer Distinguished Chair in Literacy)
(608) 263-5980
456C Teacher Education Building
225 N. Mills Street
Madison, WI 53706
Download CV   www.katevieira.com www.escribiendolapaz.com
Select Publications
- Vieira, K. Literacy is a Socio-Historic Phenomenon that can Liberate and can Oppress with the Students of English 702. In Elizabeth Wardle and Linda Adler-Kassner (Ed.), (Re)Considering What We Know: Learning Threshold in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy Utah State University Press.
- Vieira, K. What Happens When Texts Fly. College English, Special Issue on Texts
- Vieira, K. Writing, Mobility, and Power. Research in the Teaching of English
- Lopez, J. A. P., & Vieira, K. (2019). Paz: Escribiendo un Corazon Común. Manizales: Ojo con la Gota de Tinta Press.
- Vieira, K. (2019). Writing about Others Writing: Some Fieldnotes. In Romeo Garcia and Damian Baca (Ed.), Rhetorics Elsewhere and Otherwise: Contested Modernities, Decolonial Visions (pp. 49-61). Urbana: NCTE.
- Vieira, K. (2019). Writing for Love and Money: How Migration Drives Literacy Learning in Transnational Families. Oxford University Press.
- Vieira, K. (2018). Shifting Global Literacy Networks: How Emigration Promotes Literacy Learning in Latvia. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 49(2), 165-182.
- Vieira, K. (2018). Fieldwork with a Five-Year-Old: A Summative Report (2018 Donald Murray Prize winner for Creative Non-Fiction / Reprinted in Best of Independent Composition and Rhetoric Journals, 2018). Writing on the Edge
- Vieira, K. (2016). Doing Transnational Literacy: The Case for the Literacy History Interview. Composition Studies, 44(1)
Select Awards and Honors
- Fellow, Writing for Peace in Colombia, Institute for Research in the Humanities, (2020, 2021)
- Seed Grant, Escribir para la Paz: A Toolkit, Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment, (2019, 2020)
- Writing for Peace, Fulbright/ICETEX Scholar, (2018, 2019)
- Donald Murray Prize for Creative Nonfiction, College Composition and Communication, 2018
- Honored Instructor, Undergraduate University Housing Initiative, UW Madison, 2018
- College Composition and Communication Research Initiative Grant for "Writing's Potential to Heal", National Council of Teachers of English, (2017, 2018)
- Outstanding Book Award Honorable Mention for American by Paper, College Composition and Communication, 2017
- Postdoctoral Fellowship for Literacy Learning in Migrants' Homelands, National Academy of Education/Spencer, (2015, 2016)
- Honored Instructor, Undergraduate University Housing Initiative, UW Madison, 2015