Mariana Pacheco


(608) 263-4617

574B Teacher Education Building

225 N Mills St

Madison, WI 53706-1795

Pacheco, Mariana

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Mariana Pacheco’s research focuses on meaningful opportunities for bi/multilingual and English Learner students to use their full linguistic resources for literacy learning and self-determination. She employs ethnographic and anthropological methods to understand sociopolitical and sociocultural processes related to language, teaching, learning, and curriculum. Her work contributes to theorizations and empirical knowledge of policies, programs, pedagogies, and practices that amplify what ‘counts’ as knowledge and that enhance bi/multilingual students’ academic potential through asset-based and strength-based educational practices, particularly for Chican@/Latin@ students. She is a former elementary bilingual (English-Spanish) teacher in Southern California and a proud alumnus of the Migrant Education and Upward Bound Programs.


  • PhD Urban Schooling, UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, 2005
  • M Ed Multiple Subject (Bilingual) Clear Credential, UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, 1997
  • BA Liberal Studies & Chicano Studies, California State University-Long Beach, 1995

Select Publications

  • Pacheco, M., & Morales, Z. (2019). Meaning making, narrative, and nuance: Exploring the role of religious discourses and practices in expanding bilingual youth’s linguistic repertoires. In I. M. García-Sánchez & M. F. Orellana (Eds.), Everyday learning: Leveraging non-dominant youth language and culture in schools New York: Routledge.
  • Pacheco, M., Morales, Z., & Hamilton, C. (2019). Transforming schooling for second language learners: Policies, pedagogies, and practices. In Pacheco, M., Morales, Z., & Hamilton, C. (Eds.), Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Pacheco, M. (2018). Learning and becoming writers: Meaning, identity, and epistemology in a newsroom community of practice. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 25(2), 105-124.
  • Pacheco, M. (2015). Bilingualism-as-participation: Examining adolescents' bi(multi)lingual literacies across out-of-school and online contexts. In D. Molle, E. Sato, T.Boals, and C. Hedgespeth (Ed.), Multilingual learners and academic literacies: Sociocultural contexts of literacy development in adolescents (pp. 135-165). New York: Routledge.
  • Pacheco, M. (2014). Nepantleras in the New Latino Diaspora: The intersectional experiences of bi/multilingual youth. In C. Grant & E. Zwier (Eds.), Intersectionality and urban education: Identities, policies, spaces & power (pp. 97-123). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
  • Pacheco, M. (2012). Learning in/through everyday resistance: A cultural-historical perspective on community ‘resources’ and curriculum. Educational Researcher, 41(4), 121-132.
  • Pacheco, M. (2010). English Learners’ reading achievement: Dialectical relationships between policy and practices in meaning-making opportunities. Reading Research Quarterly, 45(3), 292-317.
  • Pacheco, M. (2010). Performativity in the bilingual classroom: The plight of English Learners in the current reform context. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 41(1), 75-93.
  • Pacheco, M., & Nao, K. (2009). Re-writing identities: Using historicized writings to promote migrant students' writing. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 4(1), 24-43.

Select Presentations

  • Pacheco, M., Gonzalez, T., & Xiong, Y. S. (2019, April). What can teachers learn from Hmong and Latino/a parents and youth?: Cultural historical change informing inclusive education. presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Symposium: “Sociocultural traditions to study teaching and teacher education for the inclusive classroom.”, Toronto.
  • Pacheco, M., & Morales, Z. (2018, December). Figurative language in religious community contexts: Opportunities to leverage and expand bilingual youth’s linguistic repertoires. presented at the Literacy Research Association Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.
  • Pacheco, M. (2018, December). “Quietly failing”: Examining the racialization of Chicano/Latino emergent bilingual students in/through policymaking processes. presented at the Literacy Research Association Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.
  • Pacheco, M. (2018, March). Sociocritical Literacy for Community Change and Equity: Participatory Action Research with Bilingual Hmong and Latino Youth with/out Disabilities. presented at the Equity by Design Conference at UC – Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
  • Pacheco, M. (2017, June). Explorando juntos: Exploring the organic intellectualism of (im)migrant students and communities. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the 16th Annual Cambio de Colores Conference, St. Louis, MO.
  • Pacheco, M., & Seemuth, L. (2017, April). “Spanish agaaaiiin?”: Young emergent bi/multilinguals’ participation and language ideologies in the classroom. presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • Pacheco, M. (2016, June). Equitable Approaches to Bilingual Education Pedagogy & Practice. presented at the MMSD 2016 Teaching and Learning Institute, Madison, WI.
  • Pacheco, M. (2016, May). Critical Language Awareness and Implications for a Return to Critical Bi(multi)lingual Education. presented at the Working Conference on Discourse Analysis in Education Research, Columbus, OH.
  • Pacheco, M. (2015, March). Language in Education: A Return to Critical Bi(multi)ligual Education. presented at the Language Institute’s “Language Matters: Language, Power, Equity, and Justice” Lecture Series, UW-Madison.
  • Pacheco, M. (2013, April). The Role of the Brown (Latina) Body in Creating Robust Environments. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the Keynote Speaker, La Mujer Latina Conference, UW Madison.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Early Career Award, National Research Conference on Language & Literacy, 2011