Nicole Louie

Associate Professor

476f Teacher Education Building

225 N. Mills Street

Madison, WI 53706

Louie, Nicole

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Nicole Louie’s research is centrally concerned with issues of inclusion, exclusion, and belonging in schools. She is especially interested in how people’s experiences of these phenomena are shaped by systemic racism and intersecting systems of oppression. Her current project seeks to explore participatory design research as a tool for advancing racial justice in middle school mathematics, centering youth of color and their families as co-researchers and co-designers. Her previous (and still ongoing) work has focused on how teachers of mathematics both reproduce and challenge narrow, exclusionary views of mathematical intelligence, as they intersect with racial hierarchies.


  • PhD Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, University of California, Berkeley, 2015
  • MA Teacher Education, Stanford University, 2005
  • BA Urban Studies, Stanford University, 2004

Select Publications

  • Louie, N., Berland, L., Roeker, L., Nichols, K., Pacheco, M., & Grant, C. (2022). Toward Radical Belonging: Envisioning Antiracist Learning Communities.. Race, Ethnicity, and Education DOI.
  • Louie, N. (2019). Agency discourse and the reproduction of hierarchy in mathematics education. Cognition and Instruction Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Skinner, A., Louie, N., & Baldinger, E. M. (2019). Learning to see students’ mathematical strengths. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(6), 338-345.
  • Louie, N. (2018). Culture and ideology in mathematics teacher noticing. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 97(1), 55-69.
  • Louie, N. (2017). Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. The culture of exclusion in mathematics education and its persistence in equity-oriented teaching, 28(5)

Select Presentations

  • Yeh, C., Louie, N., Kokka, K., Jong, C., Eli, J., Chao, T., & Adiredja, A. (2019, April). Growing against the grain: Counterstories of Asian American mathematics education scholars. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Louie, N. (2019, April). Promoting agency and authority through Math Talks. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Lefstein, A., Louie, N., Segal, A., & Vedder-Weiss, D. (2019, April). Taking stock of research on teacher collaborative discourse: Theory and method in a nascent field. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Louie, N., & Adiredja, A. (2019, January). An Ecological Perspective on the Reproduction of Deficit Discourses in Mathematics Education. Paper presented at the Mathematics Education and Society, Hyderabad, India.
  • Louie, N. (2018, July). “The Culture of Exclusion in Mathematics Education” and Publishing in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Webinar.
  • Louie, N. (2017, April). Shifting the Culture of Teaching Through a Focus on Agency, Authority, and Identity. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • Louie, N., Gibbons, L., Knapp, M., Whitenack, J., Ellington, A., & Alvidrez, M. (2017, February). Coaches’ Relational Work in Support of Ambitious Teacher Learning. Symposium presented at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
  • Louie, N. (2016, November). The Smartness Dilemma: A Challenge to Teaching Mathematics for Equity. Paper presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education annual meeting, Tucson, AZ.
  • Louie, N. (2016, April). Resources for Teachers’ Equity-Oriented Learning and Identities. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Jilk, L., Louie, N., & teachers, . (2016, April). Transformative Math Teaching and Learning: Stories from Railside High. presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Career Award, National Science Foundation, for project entitled “Advancing Equity in Middle School Mathematics by Engaging Students and Families of Color in Participatory Design Research.”, (2022, 2027)
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation, 2017
  • Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Educational Research Association Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education, 2016
  • Dissertation Fellowship, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation, 2014
  • Race, Diversity, and Educational Policy Fellowship, Haas Diversity Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 2012