Bernadette Baker
(608) 263-4657
464A Teacher Education Building
225 N Mills St
Madison, WI 53706-1707
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Bernadette M. Baker is a professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and is affiliated with several centers, including East Asian Studies, South Asia Studies, European Studies, Institute for Regional and International Studies, the Robert F. & Jean E. Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies, the Disability Studies Initiative, and the Public Humanities. She works in the fields of curriculum history, philosophy of education, and global studies and their intersection with a wider curriculum studies discipline. Her research deploys primarily postfoundationalist, historical, exonationalist, and interview-based approaches to the interrogation of reality claims within the politics of knowledge/wisdom. She has published widely in educational philosophy, curriculum studies, history of education, disability studies, and cultural studies journals. Her current projects involve assessment of the opportunities, risks and ethics in artificial intelligence, the changing technologies of self in relation to big data, mindfulness based stress reduction in education and in neuroscience, and conceptions of mind-body in different caring professions including complementary integrative health professions and educational policymaking. Her graduate seminars draw on Western, Eastern, Indigenous and Global South analytical traditions – including the very problem of the spatializing effects of power embedded in naming, the metaphysics of presence, and classificatory regimes. Seminars are designed to bring diverse perspectives on reality claims to curriculum studies, planning, and theory, to the politics of explanation, and to the inclusion/exclusion of practices, reforms, and solutions. Her previous monograph, (Cambridge University Press 2013), titled William James, Sciences of Mind, and Anti-imperial Discourse received the American Educational Research Association Curriculum Studies (Division B) Outstanding Book Award, as did her 2001 publication titled In Perpetual Motion: Theories of Power, Educational History, and the Child. She is the recipient of a Fulbright fellowship to Finland and past Secretary of AERA’s Division B.
Select Publications
- Baker, B. M., Saari, A., Wang, L., & Tavares, H. (2024). Flashpoint Epistemology Volume 1: Arts and Humanities-based Rethinkings of Interconnection, Technologies, and Education. In B. Baker, A. Saari, L. Wang, & H. Tavares (Eds.), Flashpoint Epistemology: Education in the Age of Interconnection and Complexity Series. Routledge.
- Baker, B. M., Saari, A., Wang, L., & Tavares, H. (2024). Flashpoint Epistemology Volume 2: Aporias of Complexity in Power, Politics and Methods in Education. In B. Baker, A. Saari, L. Wang, & H. Tavares (Eds.), Flashpoint Epistemology: Education in the Age of Interconnection and Complexity Series. Routledge.
- Baker, B. M., & Wang, L. (2024). AI, digitalization, and the emergence of man3: From Enfleshment to disembodiment? Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (JAAACS). Special Edition: Data Science, Algorithms, and Curriculum Studies.
- Baker, B. M., Mills, K. A., McDonald, P., & Wang, L. (2023). AI, Concepts of Intelligence, and Chatbots: The “Figure of Man,” the Rise of Emotion, and Future Visions of Education. Teachers College Record, 125(6)
- Baker, B. M. (2013). William James, sciences of mind, and anti-imperial discourse. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Outstanding Book Award AERA Division B] Online Publication/Abstract.
- Baker, B. M. (2001). In perpetual motion: Theories of power, educational history, and the child. New York: Peter Lang. [Outstanding Book Award AERA Division B] Online Publication/Abstract.
Select Presentations
- Baker, B. M. (2019). Keynote: Technologies of Self and Ways of Knowing: Vantage Points from Education-Healing. presented at the National Education Champions Conference, Madison, WI.
- Baker, B. M. (2019, June - 2019, June). Keynote: Beyond Curriculum? The Anthropocene, the Child, and Technofuturism. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the The Hidden Curriculum in Kindergarten and Primary Schooling, Ludwigsburg, Germany.
- Baker, B. M. (2019, April - 2019, April). Paper presentation: Activate or evacuate? Roles of a Sensorium and the Problem of Materialism in Educational Truth-production. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Ontario.
- Baker, B. M. (2019, April - 2019, April). Paper presentation: Best Practices: Technologies of Self and Technics Before and After Big Data. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Ontario.
- Baker, B. M. (2018, March - 2018, March). Keynote: Principles of Diversity: The UW-Madison Approach to Excellence in Graduate Education. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the International Comparative Education Conference, Hangzhou.
- Baker, B. M. (2016, October). Keynote: Discourses of Vision, Constructions of Truth and Digital Futures. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the Literacy, Cultures & Digital Media Conference, Australia.
- Baker, B. M. (2016, August - 2016, August). Keynote: From Technologies of Self to Discourses of Vision: The Conditions of Possibility for Educational Neuroscience. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the University of Tampere Summer School.
Select Awards and Honors
- Vilas Faculty Mid-Career Research Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, (2017, 2019)
- Outstanding Book Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2014
- Elected Secretary, American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2011
- Honorary Teaching Fellow, Teaching Academy, University of Wisconsin, 2011
- Expanding the Landscape of the Field Book Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2010
- Fulbright Fellowship, Finland, (2008, 2009)
- The Radford Lecture, Australian Association for Research in Education, 2008
- Outstanding Book Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2005